PPC Marketing Tools

Competitive Research Tool
Unearth the keywords your competitors are bidding on, get unlimited keyword and ad exports, and more - Powered by SEMrush

Keyword List Comparison Tool
Use this tool to compare up to 10 different keyword lists to isolate the unique keywords in each list, scrub duplicates, and create a single master list.

Local Keyword Tool
This tool pulls a list of all zip codes, communities, counties, states, and state codes with the selected radius of the zip code you enter. Quickly combine those with your own keyword modifiers and you've got a powerful list of keywords to target your local region!

Google Adwords Mass Campaign Builder
This tool combines everything you need to crank out Adwords PPC campaigns, adgroups, and ads in bulk and export them straight into Adwords Editor for upload.

Typo Generator
"Fat Finger" searchers can be your best friend when it comes to low-competition keywords. This tool takes your correctly-spelled keyword and creates a list of high probability typo keywords for bid.

PPC Mass Ad Generator
Use this mix and match text ad creation tool to easily whip up dozens of ad variations at a time. Export straight to Adwords Editor.

Keyword Match Type Wrapper
Quickly wrap your keywords for use with the PPC engines' different match type options, like phrase - "keyword" and exact - [keyword], then just cut and paste into your adgroups!

Keyword List Generator
Mix and match keyword permutations to create large, easily sortable keyword lists with a few clicks.

Keyword List Cleaner & Number Stripper
Stuck cleaning a scraped or bulk keyword list? Use this tool to quickly scrub extra characters, numbers, unwanted words and more.
Calculators & Testing

A/B Split Test Validation Calculator
Not so fast! Before you decide on a winner in your A/B split test, be sure you have enough data to have reach a statistically valid result. Enter your current test results into this validation calculator and find out if your test result is a go.

RoAS Calulator (Return on Impressions)
Thinking of bidding on a CPM (Per-Thousand-Impressions) basis with display advertising? See what your bids would have to look like to get a decent ROI.

PPC ROI Calculator
How much will you have to bid, and how well will you have to convert your PPC traffic to make a profit? Use this tool to play with the variables and see what it will take to succeed with your campaign.